God is Great

Once a man was on his way to a business. Along the way there were watermelon crops on both sides. Seeing the big watermelon on the small vine, he cursed God, 'Oh God, you have no pity, put such a big watermelon in this little vine, you must have thought something and moved on. For a long while he was walking on the way and there was plenty of thirst, it was noon. He thought he would take some rest after drinking the water, then move on. A little away he saw a well, went to the well, drank water and there was a big neem tree nearby, made up his mind to rest in its shadow. Seeing the neem fruit, he again got angry with God, atleast, you would have thought something, a melon on the vine and such a small fruit on such a big neem tree, you have really done injustice. Then he lay down. After some time neem fruit fell on his nose. Due to the pain, he shouted loudly, rubbing his nose and looking at the neem fruit, he said, "Oh God, there can be no mistake from you." I ...